Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Remember (and know) your audience!!!

If there's one thing we've learned this semester about writing and design, it is (above all else) to know your audience. Oh, how quickly this concept can be forgotten!

Recently, I designed this poster to promote my friend's upcoming jewelry show. When I was in the process of designing it I concentrated on communicating the aesthetic of her jewelry line in addition to the pertinent information concerning the event. This is what I came up with:

After sending the finished product to my friend, she pointed out a rather obvious fact that I had completely overlooked-while the colors look nice and she loved it as it was, there was concern that the overt pinkness of the poster would scare away boys.  Of course! Distracted by wanting to create something that my friend would like, I completely forgot about the audience I was designing for!

Upon being reminded of a designer's number one priority, I made a revision that makes more sense and doesn't scare away boys (but still looks pretty):
Yay for revisions! And happy friends/clients! And jewelry! By the way, everyone should head over to Frazier's next Saturday night and check out the amazing jewelry that will be for sale--perfect for  presents for friends and family and self-congratulatory presents for completing such a grueling semester!  The bands are good too-see you there!!

1 comment:

  1. Great revision and nice poster, Beth! Your friend is very lucky.
