Monday, October 31, 2011

New beginnings

I finally did it!! is mine!! You can also e-mail me from now on at!!! Hopefully getting a full blown website of my own won't be too terribly difficult... cheers!

Friday, October 21, 2011


I may have missed the mark with this one:
For my Design Principles and Strategies class, we were assigned to make a CD cover for a band (of which the band name is one word) illustrating the name of the band typographically while also exploring the use of color.  We started out working in black and white last week and then added color this week, utilizing the kuler palette website (which I think is *awesome*  I picked the band name "Yeti" and had a pretty hard time at first.  Then when I added my original color palette things got even tougher.  I went back and re-designed the palette for brighter colors (I'm thinking this band might be kind of a hard-rocking electronic type band) and started liking things more. Here's what I've come up with so far:

Color Palette #1:

 Pretty blah, right?

Here's Color Palette #2:

What do you all think? Suggestions appreciated!!!

Mary Blair

  Thank you, Google.  You introduced me to one of my favorite illustrators whose name I didn't even know--Mary Blair.  Today's Google-Doodle is a tribute to this prolific artist on her 100th Birthday.  She is most well known for her work with Disney, especially her Alice and Wonderland illustrations.  Definitely someone I'm going to have to get to know better; here are some examples of her work:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tofu Man!!!

I think I finally came up with a good concept for tofu package design! Introducing....Tofu Man!!! In three varieties of firmness!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tofu Robot

In doing research for my tofu package design concept, I stumbled across this gem:

Can someone tell me where to find this? A tofu army in my fridge would be the best thing ever!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bride and Groom Illustration

So after my Beatles project in which I dove into the realm of vector illustration, I've seemed to have gotten a knack for it.  At least enough of a knack that my good friend Laura asked me to create some vector illustrations of her and her groom-to-be.  Here they are in vector-illustrated holy matrimony: