Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What I Did This Semester/ Writing and Design for Digital Platforms

Website/ Charm City Vegan (click on the screenshot to see the live webpage)

Blog/ Vinyl Kisses (click on logo to go to live blog)

HTML E-mail Advertisement and Landing Page

Promotional E-mail

What I Did This Semester/ Beat Magazine

Magazine Design: Beat Magazine (Rolling Stone re-design)

Cover #1

Cover #2

Table of Contents

Department #1

Department #2


What I Did This Semester/ Bust Magazine

These posts have been a long time coming but better late than never, right?

Here's what I did this semester in Magazine Design:

Magazine Re-design: Bust Magazine

Cover #1

Cover #2
Table of Contents
Table of Contents (continued)
Department #1

Department #2


Alright, I'm making it official.  They say if you have goals you're 80% more likely to achieve them if you write them down.  I'm thinking that if you blog about them the percentage rises to 85%. 

I, Elisabeth Harper, am officially declaring my goal of obtaining a graphic design job by September 1st.  "Graphic design job" can also translate into "regularly freelancing".  Either way, I will be getting real world design job experience on the regular by September 1, 2011.  How will I get there? In just a few simple steps:

1.  Finesse that resume!
2.  Portfolio site!
3.  Network, network, network!

Today, when I was in UB library doing research for class, I took some initiative and checked out the freelance designer's bible:
It's official and it is on.